anton sitting smiling

Hey There!


Anton Langer

I am first and foremost a husband and father of faith, but I am also a web developer by trade. I hail from Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, and Idaho, and I claim each as home, though I currently live in Idaho. My superpowers: I can speak Minion (one dialect of Minion, anyway), and I know how to get a site to in the high 90s to 100 on mobile in Google's Page Speed Insights. Don't believe me? Try it out: PROVE IT!

About Me

I Make Cool Things – and I'm Good at It

anton sitting
  • First Name: Anton
  • Work: Web Development
  • Last Name: Langer
  • Experience: 7+ years
  • Faith: Church of Jesus Christ of LDS
  • LinkedIn: Connect / Follow
  • Contact: Reach Me Here

Workplace Achievments

Built AI Social Media Platform

Within a week, I was able to build an entire social media site for a client centered entirely around AI. After launching, the company went directly into a collaboration with IBM to incorporate Watson, IBM's own AI project, into the site.

Page Speed Expert

I am one of the leading developers in the industry to achieve the highest page speed scores in Google's page speed insights tool. I consistently launch new websites with perfect scores, or near perfect scores depending on the dependencies clients want to incorporate in to their sites.

Big Names

In my work, I have been able to develop sites for some big names and nationally renowned people. This includes Keith Sullivan (an attorney and expert legal correspondent for Fox news), Chris Stewart (Mr. Billion Dollar Justice, aka the attorney who represented George Floyd's family in their civil suit), and John Phillips (the attorney who represented the Tiger King). I have worked with many other big clients as well as local business clients.


Completely Self-Taught Developer

Everything I have learned as a developer and have accomplished in my career has been completely self-taught. I have had mentors and other incredibly intelligent developers guiding me and helping me along the way, but I have learned almost everything completely on my own from books, tutorials, Youtube, and many other online resources.

Well over 100s of sites

In my career, I have developed hundreds of sites from scratch.

Head of Tech / Development

I currently serve as the lead developer and head of technology in my current company and was lead developer for several years before than in my prior company.

My Portfolio

Just a few (of many) cool sites I've developed freelancing or at my jobs:

sms john phillips johnston law firm josh green racing inwith corp chris tuff

Contact Me

Need to get a hold of me? That's cool! Just fill out the form below to get started.

No form? No worries. I'm still getting things situated on my end.